Agaricomycetes - Агарикомицеты - Gilled Fungi - Blätterpilze
Agaricomycetes, commonly known as Gilled Fungi or Blätterpilze in German, is a class of fungi within the phylum Basidiomycota. This diverse group contains over…
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Pezizomycetes - Пецицомицеты - Cup Fungi - Becherpilze
Pezizomycetes, commonly known as Cup Fungi or Becherpilze in German, is a class of fungi within the phylum Ascomycota. This diverse group includes many species…
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Леоциомицеты - Leotiomycetes
Leotiomycetes is a class of fungi within the Ascomycota phylum. The class contains a diverse range of fungi with varied ecological roles, including plant…
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Тремелломицеты - Tremellomycetes
The Tremellomycetes are a class of dimorphic fungi. Some species have a gelatinous fruiting body or a sacculate parenthesome. There are 3 orders, 11 families,…
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Сордариомицеты - Sordariomycetes
Sordariomycetes is a class of fungi in the subdivision Pezizomycotina (Ascomycota), consisting of 28 orders, 90 families, 1344 genera. Sordariomycetes is from…
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Миксомицеты - Myxomycetes
Myxomycota and Myxomycetes are terms used to refer to some fungus-like amoebozoa.
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Дакримицеты - Dacrymycetes
The Dacrymycetes are a class consisting of only one family of jelly fungi, which has imperforate parenthesomes and basidia that are usually branched. There are…
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Экзобазидиомицеты - Exobasidiomycetes
The Exobasidiomycetes are a class of fungi sometimes associated with the abnormal outgrowths of plant tissues known as galls. The class includes Exobasidium…
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Микроботриомицеты - Microbotryomycetes
The Microbotryomycetes are class of fungi in the Pucciniomycotina subdivision of the Basidiomycota. Until recently, the class contained four orders: the…
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Устилягиномицеты - Ustilaginomycetes
Ustilaginomycetes is the class of true smut fungi. They are plant parasites with about 1400 recognised species in 70 genera. They have a simple septum with a…
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Тафриномицеты - Taphrinomycetes
The Taphrinomycetes are a class of ascomycete fungi belonging to the subdivision Taphrinomycotina. It includes the single order Taphrinales, which includes 2…
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Эуроциомицеты - Eurotiomycetes
The Eurotiomycetes are a class of ascomycetes within the subphylum Pezizomycotina.
Some members of the Eurotiomycetes were previously grouped in the class…
Some members of the Eurotiomycetes were previously grouped in the class…
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Зигомицеты - Zygomycetes
Zygomycota, or zygote fungi, is a former division or phylum of the kingdom Fungi. The members are now part of two phyla the Mucoromycota and Zoopagomycota.…
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Пукциниомицеты - Pucciniomycetes
The Pucciniomycetes (formerly known as the Urediniomycetes) are a class of fungi in the Pucciniomycotina subdivision of the Basidiomycota. The class contains 5…
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Дотидеомицеты - Dothideomycetes
Dothideomycetes is the largest and most diverse class of ascomycete fungi. It comprises 11 orders 90 families, 1300 genera and over 19,000 known species.…
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Коеломицеты - Coelomycetes
Coelomycetes are a form-class of fungi, part of what has often been referred to as Fungi imperfecti, Deuteromycota, or anamorphic fungi.
These are conidial…
These are conidial…
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Леканоромицеты - Lecanoromycetes
Lecanoromycetes is the largest class of lichenized fungi. It belongs to the subphylum Pezizomycotina in the phylum Ascomycota. The asci (spore-bearing cells) of…
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