Болетовые - Boletaceae The Boletaceae are a family of mushroom-forming fungi, primarily characterised by small pores on the spore-bearing...

Болетовые - Boletaceae

The Boletaceae are a family of mushroom-forming fungi, primarily characterised by small pores on the spore-bearing hymenial surface (at the underside of the…

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Гигрофоропсисовые - Hygrophoropsidaceae The Hygrophoropsidaceae are a family of mushrooms that are gilled in appearance but lie within the Boletales. The family...

Гигрофоропсисовые - Hygrophoropsidaceae

The Hygrophoropsidaceae are a family of mushrooms that are gilled in appearance but lie within the Boletales. The family contains 18 species within two genera:…

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Кониофоровые - Coniophoraceae The Coniophoraceae are a family of fungi in the Boletales order. The family contains 6 genera and 28 species.

Кониофоровые - Coniophoraceae

The Coniophoraceae are a family of fungi in the Boletales order. The family contains 6 genera and 28 species.

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Ложнодождевиковые - Sclerodermataceae The Sclerodermataceae are a family of fungi in the order Boletales, containing several genera of unusual fungi that...

Ложнодождевиковые - Sclerodermataceae

The Sclerodermataceae are a family of fungi in the order Boletales, containing several genera of unusual fungi that little resemble boletes. Taxa, which include…

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Маслёнковые - Suillaceae The Suillaceae are a family of fungi in the order Boletales (suborder Suillineae), containing the boletus-like Suillus,...

Маслёнковые - Suillaceae

The Suillaceae are a family of fungi in the order Boletales (suborder Suillineae), containing the boletus-like Suillus, the small truffle-like Truncocolumella,…

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Мокруховые - Gomphidiaceae The Gomphidiaceae are a family of mushroom-forming fungi in the order Boletales. Unlike other boletes, all members of...

Мокруховые - Gomphidiaceae

The Gomphidiaceae are a family of mushroom-forming fungi in the order Boletales. Unlike other boletes, all members of Gomphidiaceae (except for Gomphogaster)…

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Ризопогоновые - Rhizopogonaceae Rhizopogonaceae are a family of fungi in the order Boletales. The family, first named and described by botanists Ernst...

Ризопогоновые - Rhizopogonaceae

Rhizopogonaceae are a family of fungi in the order Boletales. The family, first named and described by botanists Ernst Albert Gäumann and Carroll William Dodge…

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Свинушковые - Paxillaceae The Paxillaceae are a family of mushroom-forming fungi bearing close affinity to the boletes. Collectively, the family...

Свинушковые - Paxillaceae

The Paxillaceae are a family of mushroom-forming fungi bearing close affinity to the boletes. Collectively, the family contains nine genera and 78 species.

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Тапинелловые - Tapinellaceae The Tapinellaceae are a family of fungi in the order Boletales. Members of this family are: Bondarcevomyces,...

Тапинелловые - Tapinellaceae

The Tapinellaceae are a family of fungi in the order Boletales. Members of this family are: Bondarcevomyces, Pseudomerulius, and Tapinella.

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