Gloeophyllum sepiarium - Глеофиллум заборный - Rusty Gilled Polypore - Rostblättriger Zaunblättling
Gloeophyllum sepiarium, commonly known as the Rusty Gilled Polypore or the Rostblättriger Zaunblättling, is a wood-decay fungus belonging to the family…
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Neolentinus cyathiformis - Пилолистник бокаловидный - Goblet-shaped Neolentinus - Kelchförmiger Neolentinus
Neolentinus cyathiformis, or the Goblet-shaped Neolentinus, is a rare and unique mushroom species belonging to the family Gloeophyllaceae. The cap of this…
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Neolentinus lepideus - Пилолистник чешуйчатый - Scaly Neolentinus - Schuppiger Neolentinus
Neolentinus lepideus, commonly known as the Scaly Neolentinus, is a mushroom species belonging to the family Gloeophyllaceae. The cap of this mushroom is convex…
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