Inocybe nitidiuscula - Волоконница блестящая - Shiny Fibrecap - Glänzender Faserling 9/21/22
Inocybe nitidiuscula, commonly known as the Shiny Fibrecap or Glänzender Faserling, is a small, mycorrhizal basidiomycete fungus belonging to the Inocybaceae family. This species is characterized by its small, conical to bell-shaped, brownish-yellow cap that can become more flat with age, and by its fibrous, silky surface that gives it a shiny appearance. It has a slender, fibrillose stem, typically 3-6 cm in length, that is slightly enlarged at the base. The gills are adnexed to the stem and are initially pale, becoming rusty-brown as the spores mature.
Advanced scientific research on Inocybe nitidiuscula has revealed that it contains a variety of bioactive compounds, including indole alkaloids and tryptamines, which may have potential medicinal applications. The fungus is primarily found in Europe and North America, particularly in deciduous and mixed forests, where it forms symbiotic relationships with various tree species such as oak and beech. It typically grows in soil, often at the base of trees, and can be found from late spring to autumn.
The spores of Inocybe nitidiuscula are smooth, elliptical, and measure around 7-10 x 4-6 µm. It produces a large number of spores, with a single mature fruiting body capable of releasing millions of them. These spores are spread by the wind, allowing the fungus to colonize new areas. As with other Inocybe species, Inocybe nitidiuscula is considered inedible and potentially toxic, with consumption potentially causing gastrointestinal distress and other symptoms. It is important to exercise caution when foraging for mushrooms, as misidentification can lead to serious health consequences.
Inocybe nitidiuscula - Волоконница блестящая - Shiny Fibrecap - Glänzender Faserling