Amanitaceae - Аманитовые - Amanita family - Wulstlingsverwandte
Amanitaceae is a family of fungi that includes the Amanita genus, as well as several other types of fungi with similar morphologies and lifestyles. This family…
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Bolbitiaceae - Больбитиевые - Bolbitiaceae family - Bolbitiaceae Familie
The Bolbitiaceae family, known as Больбитиевые in Russian, is a group of basidiomycete fungi belonging to the Agaricales order. These fungi are characterized by…
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Pleurotaceae - Вёшенковые - Pleurotaceae family - Seitlingsverwandte
The Pleurotaceae family, also known as Вёшенковые in Russian, is a family of basidiomycete fungi belonging to the Agaricales order. This family comprises…
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Inocybaceae - Волоконницевые - Inocybaceae Family - Inocybaceae Familie
The Inocybaceae family, also known as Волоконницевые in Russian, is a diverse group of basidiomycete fungi that typically have small to medium-sized fruiting…
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Hygrophoraceae - Гигрофоровые - Waxy Caps - Schnecklinge
Hygrophoraceae, also known as the Waxy Caps or Schnecklinge, is a family of basidiomycete fungi characterized by their often brightly colored fruiting bodies…
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Hymenogastraceae - Гименогастровые - Hymenogastraceae Family - Hymenogastraceae Familie
The Hymenogastraceae family is a diverse group of basidiomycete fungi that includes over 100 species, distributed across several genera such as Hebeloma,…
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Nidulariaceae - Гнездовковые - Bird's Nest Fungi - Vogelnestpilze
Nidulariaceae, commonly known as Bird's Nest Fungi or Vogelnestpilze, is a family of fungi within the order Agaricales. These fungi are small and are…
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Говорушковые - Clitocybaceae
Clitocybe is a genus of mushrooms characterized by white, off-white, buff, cream, pink, or light-yellow spores, gills running down the stem, and pale white to…
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Crepidotaceae - Крепидотовые - Crepidotaceae family - Schüpplinge
The Crepidotaceae is a family of basidiomycete fungi that belong to the order Agaricales. This family is known for its diverse range of gilled mushrooms, many…
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Lyophyllaceae - Лиофилловые - Lyophyllaceae family - Schleierlinge
The Lyophyllaceae is a family of basidiomycete fungi in the order Agaricales. It includes a diverse array of gilled mushrooms, many of which are characterized…
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Mycenaceae - Миценовые - Bonnet mushrooms - Helmlinge
Mycenaceae is a family of basidiomycete fungi belonging to the order Agaricales, characterized by small, delicate fruiting bodies, often with a cap, stem, and…
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Marasmiaceae - Негниючниковые - Marasmioid mushrooms - Schwindlingsverwandte
The Marasmiaceae family is a group of basidiomycete fungi within the order Agaricales. They are characterized by their small to medium-sized fruiting bodies,…
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Омфалотовые - Omphalotaceae
The Omphalotaceae are a family of fungi in the order Agaricales. Basidiocarps (fruit bodies) are most frequently agarics (gilled mushrooms), but occasionally…
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Cortinariaceae - Паутинниковые - Webcap mushrooms - Schleierlingsverwandte
The Cortinariaceae family is a group of basidiomycete fungi belonging to the order Agaricales, containing several genera, including the well-known Cortinarius…
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Fistulinaceae - Печёночницевые - Beefsteak Fungi Family - Röhrlingsverwandte
The Fistulinaceae, also known as the Beefsteak Fungi Family or Röhrlingsverwandte, is a family of basidiomycete fungi within the order Agaricales. This family…
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Pluteaceae - Плютеевые - Pluteus Family - Dachpilzverwandte
The Pluteaceae, also known as the Pluteus Family or Dachpilzverwandte, is a family of basidiomycete fungi within the order Agaricales. This family is relatively…
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Porotheleaceae - Поротелиевые - Porotheleaceae Family - Porotheleaceae Familie
The Porotheleaceae is a family of fungi within the order Agaricales. This family is relatively small and less known compared to other fungal families. The…
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Psathyrellaceae - Псатирелловые - Psathyrella Family - Psathyrellaceae Familie
The Psathyrellaceae family, also known as the Psathyrella family, is a diverse group of basidiomycete fungi within the Agaricales order. This family consists of…
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Clavariaceae - Рогатиковые - Coral Fungi - Korallenpilze
The Clavariaceae, commonly known as Coral Fungi, is a diverse family of fungi within the Basidiomycota phylum. This family consists of approximately 30 genera…
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Tricholomataceae - Рядовковые - Tricholoma family - Ritterlingsverwandte
The Tricholomataceae is a large family of basidiomycete fungi, which includes many genera and species of gilled mushrooms. This family is part of the order…
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Sarcomyxaceae - Саркомиксовые - Sarcomyxaceae family - Sarcomyxaceae
Sarcomyxa serotina, commonly known as the Late Oyster or Late Fall Oyster, is a basidiomycete mushroom belonging to the Sarcomyxaceae family. It is…
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Скваманитовые - Squamanitaceae
The Squamanitaceae are a family of fungi in the order Agaricales. All species in the family are agarics (gilled mushrooms). Species in two genera, Dissoderma…
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Strophariaceae - Строфариевые - Stropharia family - Träuschlingsverwandten
The Strophariaceae family is a group of basidiomycete fungi that belong to the order Agaricales. This family comprises several genera, including Stropharia,…
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Typhulaceae - Тифуловые - Typhula family - Fadenkeulchenverwandte
The Typhulaceae family is a group of basidiomycete fungi belonging to the order Agaricales. This family is characterized by its small, delicate fruiting bodies,…
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Tubariaceae - Тубариевые - Tubaria Family - Tubaria-Familie
The Tubariaceae family is a group of fungi within the order Agaricales. These fungi are characterized by their small to medium-sized fruiting bodies and…
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Physalacriaceae - Физалакриевые - Physalacria Family - Physalacria Familie
The Physalacriaceae is a family of fungi within the order Agaricales, encompassing a diverse group of species that includes saprotrophic, mycorrhizal, and…
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Cyphellaceae - Цифелловые - Cyphella Family - Cyphella Familie
The Cyphellaceae family is a group of fungi belonging to the order Agaricales, characterized by their distinct fruiting bodies called cyphellae. These cyphellae…
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Agaricaceae - Шампиньоновые - Agaric family - Champignonartige
The Agaricaceae family, also known as the Agaric family or Champignonartige, is a diverse group of fungi that contains approximately 85 genera and over 1,300…
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Schizophyllaceae - Щелелистниковые - Split-gill family - Spaltblättlinge
The Schizophyllaceae family, also known as the split-gill family or Spaltblättlinge, is a relatively small group of fungi that contains around six genera and…
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Entolomataceae - Энтоломовые - Pinkgill Family - Rötlinge
The Entolomataceae, also known as the Pinkgill Family or Rötlinge in German, is a diverse family of fungi primarily characterized by their pink spores. This…
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