Crepidotus variabilis - Крепидот переменчивый - Variable Oysterling - Variabler Zärtling 11/6/22
Crepidotus variabilis, also known as the Variable Oysterling or Variabler Zärtling, is a species of mushroom in the Crepidotaceae family. The fruiting body of this fungus is typically small and thin, with a convex to funnel-shaped cap measuring 1-4 cm in diameter. The cap surface is smooth, dry, and can be various shades of brown, gray, or yellowish.
The distribution of C. variabilis is cosmopolitan, with the fungus found in various habitats worldwide, including temperate and tropical forests, woodlands, and grasslands. It is a saprophytic species that decomposes dead organic matter, primarily decaying wood and plant debris.
Chemically, C. variabilis has been found to contain several bioactive compounds, including alkaloids and flavonoids, with potential antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anticancer properties. Studies have shown that some of these compounds may have applications in the pharmaceutical and food industries.
The spores of C. variabilis are ellipsoid to almond-shaped, smooth, and measure 4-6 x 2-3 µm. The spore print is white to pale yellow in color.
C. variabilis is generally considered edible and has a mild, slightly sweet taste. However, it is not commonly consumed due to its small size and lack of culinary value. As with all wild mushrooms, it is essential to properly identify the species before consuming them to avoid potential toxicity.
In summary, Crepidotus variabilis is a widespread and ecologically important fungus with potentially valuable medicinal and industrial applications. Its small size and unremarkable appearance may make it easy to overlook, but its biological and chemical properties make it a fascinating subject for scientific research.
Crepidotus variabilis - Крепидот переменчивый - Variable Oysterling - Variabler Zärtling