Cortinarius rubellus - Паутинник красивейший - Gorgeous Webcap - Schönfußröhrling 4/1/11—8/19/24
Cortinarius rubellus, commonly known as the gorgeous webcap, is a strikingly beautiful mushroom found in coniferous and mixed forests throughout Europe and North America.
The cap of C. rubellus is convex and can be up to 10cm in diameter. It has a bright orange-red color that fades to pale yellow at the edges. The stem is also bright orange-red, and has a slightly velvety texture. The gills are initially yellowish but darken with age to a reddish-brown color. The spore print is rusty brown, and the spores themselves are elliptical and ornamented with small bumps, measuring 8-11µm in length.
C. rubellus is mycorrhizal, forming a mutualistic relationship with trees and other plants. It is found in a variety of forest habitats, but is most commonly associated with pine trees. It is distributed throughout Europe and North America.
The fruiting body of C. rubellus is considered poisonous, as it contains the toxin orellanine. Ingestion of this mushroom can cause kidney damage and other health problems.
Despite its toxicity, C. rubellus has been the subject of scientific research due to its unique chemistry. The mushroom contains a number of unusual compounds, including rubellic acid and rubellin. These compounds have shown potential as antimicrobial agents and may have other medical applications.
Overall, Cortinarius rubellus is a fascinating and beautiful mushroom with a complex chemistry and potential uses in scientific research. However, it is important to remember that it is also toxic and should not be consumed.
Cortinarius rubellus - Паутинник красивейший - Gorgeous Webcap - Schönfußröhrling