Coprinopsis cordispora - Навозник сердцеспорововый - Heart-spored Inky Cap - Herzsporen-Tintling 9/30/17
Coprinopsis cordispora, commonly known as the Heart-spored Inky Cap, is a small, saprotrophic mushroom belonging to the Psathyrellaceae family. Its cap measures 1 to 3 cm in diameter, with an initially conical shape that becomes bell-shaped to convex as it matures. The cap is typically grayish-brown, often with a slightly darker center and a striate margin.
The gills of Coprinopsis cordispora are closely spaced, starting as white and becoming dark brown to black as the spores mature. Deliquescence occurs in the gills, causing them to autodigest and release a black, inky liquid. The stipe is slender, measuring 3 to 8 cm in height and 0.1 to 0.3 cm in diameter, and is white or pale gray in color.
The spores of Coprinopsis cordispora are unique in shape, being heart-shaped, and measuring 8 to 12 µm in length and 5 to 8 µm in width. The spore print color is black.
Coprinopsis cordispora is a saprotrophic fungus that decomposes plant debris and organic matter, often found on dung and rotting plant material. It plays a crucial role in nutrient cycling within ecosystems by breaking down organic materials and releasing nutrients back into the environment.
The distribution of Coprinopsis cordispora is not well-documented, but it has been reported in Europe and North America.
The habitat of Coprinopsis cordispora includes grasslands, meadows, and other areas with rich organic material, such as compost heaps and manure piles.
Coprinopsis cordispora is considered inedible, primarily due to its small size and rapid autodigestion of the gills.
The chemical composition of Coprinopsis cordispora has not been extensively studied, and the presence of bioactive compounds or other interesting chemicals within this fungus remains unknown.
Coprinopsis cordispora is characterized by its unique, heart-shaped spores, which set it apart from other inky cap species.
The ecological role of Coprinopsis cordispora is that of a decomposer, contributing to the breakdown of organic materials and recycling of nutrients within ecosystems.
Coprinopsis cordispora is often found growing singly or in small groups on the substrate.
Coprinopsis cordispora - Навозник сердцеспорововый - Heart-spored Inky Cap - Herzsporen-Tintling