Стекхериновые - Steccherinaceae 2/27/24
The Steccherinaceae are a family of about 200 species of fungi in the order Polyporales. It includes crust-like, toothed, and poroid species that cause a white rot in dead wood.
Most genera of the Steccherinaceae contain poroid or hydnoid fungi; Steccherinum contains both types. Steccherinaceae spores are usually broadly cylindrical or ellipsoid in shape. Characters useful for genus-level classification include fruit body colour and type, detailed hyphal structure, presence of cystidia, the strength of cyanophilic reactions of hyphae or spores, and the thickness of the spore walls. All species cause a white rot, and most grow on wood. Most of the species considered have a dimitic hyphal structure (containing both generative and skeletal hyphae), and most have clamps at the primary septa.
Стекхериновые - Steccherinaceae