Ганодермовые - Ganodermataceae
The Ganodermataceae are a family of fungi in the order Polyporales. As of April 2018, Index Fungorum accepts 8 genera and 300 species in the family. The family…
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Ирпексовые - Irpicaceae
The Irpicaceae are a family of mostly polypores and crust fungi in the order Polyporales.
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Ишнодермовые - Ischnodermataceae
Ischnoderma is a genus of polypore fungi. Species in the genus have dark brown and tomentose fruit bodies that become darker brown to black and smooth when…
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Мерулиевые - Meruliaceae
The Meruliaceae are a family of fungi in the order Polyporales. According to a 2008 estimate, the family contains 47 genera and 420 species. As of April 2018,…
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Полипоровые - Polyporaceae
The Polyporaceae are a family of poroid fungi belonging to the Basidiomycota. The flesh of their fruit bodies varies from soft (as in the case of the dryad's…
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Стекхериновые - Steccherinaceae
The Steccherinaceae are a family of about 200 species of fungi in the order Polyporales. It includes crust-like, toothed, and poroid species that cause a white…
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Фанерохетовые - Phanerochaetaceae
The Phanerochaetaceae are a family of mostly crust fungi in the order Polyporales.
Most Phanerochaetaceae species are crust-like. Their hyphal system is…
Most Phanerochaetaceae species are crust-like. Their hyphal system is…
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Фомитопсисовые - Fomitopsidaceae
The Fomitopsidaceae are a family of fungi in the order Polyporales. Most species are parasitic on woody plants, and tend to cause brown rots. The name comes…
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