Альбатрелловые - Albatrellaceae
The Albatrellaceae are a family of fungi in the order Russulales. The family contains 9 genera and more than 45 species.
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Аурискальпиевые - Auriscalpiaceae
The Auriscalpiaceae are a family of fungi in the order Russulales. Like much of the Russulales, it has been defined through molecular phylogeny, and includes…
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Герициевые - Hericiaceae
The Hericiaceae are a family of fungi in the order Russulales. The best known genus is Hericium, species of which are valued for their medicinal properties in…
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Пениофоровые - Peniophoraceae
The Peniophoraceae are a family of fungi in the order Russulales. Species of this family have a cosmopolitan distribution and are mostly saprobic, causing rots…
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Стереовые - Stereaceae
The Stereaceae are a family of corticioid fungi in the Russulales order. Species in the family have a widespread distribution, are lignicolous or terrestrial…
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Сыроежковые - Russulaceae
The Russulaceae are a diverse family of fungi in the order Russulales, with roughly 1,900 known species and a worldwide distribution. They comprise the…
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