Ampulloclitocybe clavipes - Ампуллоговорушка булавоногая - Club-footed Clitocybe - Keulenfuß-Trichterling Ampulloclitocybe clavipes, commonly known as the Club-footed Clitocybe or Keulenfuß-Trichterling, is a medium-sized...

Ampulloclitocybe clavipes - Ампуллоговорушка булавоногая - Club-footed Clitocybe - Keulenfuß-Trichterling

Ampulloclitocybe clavipes, commonly known as the Club-footed Clitocybe or Keulenfuß-Trichterling, is a medium-sized basidiomycete mushroom belonging to the…

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Hygrophorus agathosmus - Гигрофор благоуханный - Gray Almond Waxy Cap - Duftender Schneckling Hygrophorus agathosmus, also known as the Gray Almond Waxy Cap or Duftender Schneckling, is a small to medium-sized...

Hygrophorus agathosmus - Гигрофор благоуханный - Gray Almond Waxy Cap - Duftender Schneckling

Hygrophorus agathosmus, also known as the Gray Almond Waxy Cap or Duftender Schneckling, is a small to medium-sized basidiomycete mushroom belonging to the…

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Hygrophorus eburneus - Гигрофор желтовато-белый - Ivory Waxy Cap - Elfenbein-Schneckling Hygrophorus eburneus, commonly known as the Ivory Waxy Cap or Elfenbein-Schneckling, is a small to medium-sized...

Hygrophorus eburneus - Гигрофор желтовато-белый - Ivory Waxy Cap - Elfenbein-Schneckling

Hygrophorus eburneus, commonly known as the Ivory Waxy Cap or Elfenbein-Schneckling, is a small to medium-sized basidiomycete mushroom belonging to the family…

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Hygrocybe chlorophana - Гигроцибе жёлто-зелёная - Golden Waxcap - Goldgelber Saftling Hygrocybe chlorophana, commonly known as the Golden Waxcap or Goldgelber Saftling, is a small to medium-sized...

Hygrocybe chlorophana - Гигроцибе жёлто-зелёная - Golden Waxcap - Goldgelber Saftling

Hygrocybe chlorophana, commonly known as the Golden Waxcap or Goldgelber Saftling, is a small to medium-sized basidiomycete mushroom belonging to the family…

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Hygrocybe conica - Гигроцибе коническая - Blackening Waxcap - Spitzkegeliger Saftling Hygrocybe conica, commonly known as the Blackening Waxcap or Spitzkegeliger Saftling, is a small to medium-sized...

Hygrocybe conica - Гигроцибе коническая - Blackening Waxcap - Spitzkegeliger Saftling

Hygrocybe conica, commonly known as the Blackening Waxcap or Spitzkegeliger Saftling, is a small to medium-sized basidiomycete mushroom belonging to the family…

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Hygrocybe acutoconica - Гигроцибе остроконическая - Spruce Waxcap - Spitzkegeliger Filzschüppling Hygrocybe acutoconica, commonly known as the Spruce Waxcap or Spitzkegeliger Filzschüppling, is a small to medium-sized...

Hygrocybe acutoconica - Гигроцибе остроконическая - Spruce Waxcap - Spitzkegeliger Filzschüppling

Hygrocybe acutoconica, commonly known as the Spruce Waxcap or Spitzkegeliger Filzschüppling, is a small to medium-sized basidiomycete mushroom belonging to the…

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Hygrocybe psittacina - Гигроцибе пёстрая - Parrot Waxcap - Papagei-Saftling Hygrocybe psittacina, commonly known as the Parrot Waxcap or Papagei-Saftling, is a small to medium-sized basidiomycete...

Hygrocybe psittacina - Гигроцибе пёстрая - Parrot Waxcap - Papagei-Saftling

Hygrocybe psittacina, commonly known as the Parrot Waxcap or Papagei-Saftling, is a small to medium-sized basidiomycete mushroom belonging to the family…

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Cantharellula umbonata - Кантареллула бугорковая - Umbonate Chanterelle - Höckeriger Scheinpfifferling Cantharellula umbonata, commonly known as the Umbonate Chanterelle or Höckeriger Scheinpfifferling, is a small...

Cantharellula umbonata - Кантареллула бугорковая - Umbonate Chanterelle - Höckeriger Scheinpfifferling

Cantharellula umbonata, commonly known as the Umbonate Chanterelle or Höckeriger Scheinpfifferling, is a small basidiomycete mushroom belonging to the family…

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Cuphophyllus virgineus - Куфофиллус девичий - Snowy Waxcap - Weißer Saftling Cuphophyllus virgineus, commonly known as the Snowy Waxcap or Weißer Saftling, is a small to medium-sized basidiomycete...

Cuphophyllus virgineus - Куфофиллус девичий - Snowy Waxcap - Weißer Saftling

Cuphophyllus virgineus, commonly known as the Snowy Waxcap or Weißer Saftling, is a small to medium-sized basidiomycete mushroom belonging to the family…

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