Amanita virosa - Мухомор вонючий - Destroying angel - Weißer Knollenblätterpilz.
Amanita virosa, commonly known as the destroying angel, is a highly toxic species of fungus that belongs to the Amanita genus. This mushroom is found throughout…
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Amanita excelsa - Мухомор высокий - Tall Amanita - Hohe Fliegenpilz
Amanita excelsa, commonly known as the Tall Amanita, is a large, grey-capped basidiomycete fungus belonging to the Amanita genus. It is characterized by its…
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Amanita regalis - Мухомор королевский - Royal Fly Agaric - Königs-Fliegenpilz
Amanita regalis, also known as the Royal Fly Agaric, is a striking basidiomycete fungus belonging to the Amanita genus. It is characterized by a large, dark…
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Amanita muscaria - Мухомор красный - Fly Agaric - Fliegenpilz
Amanita muscaria, commonly known as the Fly Agaric, is an iconic basidiomycete fungus belonging to the Amanita genus. It is characterized by a bright red cap…
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Amanita gemmata - Мухомор ярко-жёлтый - Gemmed Amanita - Gelber Knollenblätterpilz
Amanita gemmata, commonly known as the Gemmed Amanita, is a basidiomycete fungus belonging to the Amanita genus. It is characterized by a bright yellow to…
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Amanita pantherina - Мухомор пантерный - Panther Cap - Pantherpilz
Amanita pantherina, commonly known as the Panther Cap, is a basidiomycete fungus belonging to the Amanita genus. It is characterized by a brown to dark brown…
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Amanita citrina - Мухомор поганковидный - False Death Cap - Gelber Knollenblätterpilz
Amanita citrina, commonly known as the False Death Cap, is a basidiomycete fungus belonging to the Amanita genus. It is characterized by a pale yellow to…
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Amanita verna - Мухомор весенний - Fool's mushroom, destroying angel - Frühlings-Knollenblätterpilz
Amanita verna, commonly known as the Fool's mushroom or destroying angel, is a highly toxic species of fungus that belongs to the Amanita genus. This mushroom…
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Amanita porphyria - Мухомор порфировый - Grey Veiled Amanita - Porphyreller Wulstling
Amanita porphyria, commonly known as the Grey Veiled Amanita, is a basidiomycete fungus belonging to the Amanita genus. It is characterized by a greyish to…
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Amanita rubescens - Мухомор серо-розовый - Blusher - Perlpilz
Amanita rubescens, commonly known as the Blusher, is a basidiomycete fungus belonging to the Amanita genus. It is characterized by a pinkish-brown to…
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Amanita fulva - Поплавок жёлто-коричневый - Tawny Grisette - Rotbrauner Streifling
Amanita fulva, commonly known as the Tawny Grisette, is a basidiomycete fungus belonging to the Amanita genus. It is characterized by a tawny to orange-brown…
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Amanita crocea - Поплавок шафрановый - Saffron Ringless Amanita - Safrangelber Streifling
Amanita crocea, commonly known as the Saffron Ringless Amanita, is a basidiomycete fungus belonging to the Amanita genus. It is characterized by a saffron to…
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